Make #riskawarenessweek2020 you corporate risk management training. Put it in the budget for next year RISK-ACADEMY Blog


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Risk Awareness Week 2020 #RAW2020 will bring some of the leading risk management researchers and practitioners to your staff computers or mobile phones. It is designed to raise awareness about risk management application in planning, forecasting, budgeting, construction, investments and performance management and will significantly enhance the quality of decision making.

More than 50 sessions will run for 5 days from 12 to 16 October 2020. Each session is approx 30-60 minutes and are great for raising risk awareness within corporations.

It is a 100% online conference that enables employees to tune into just the workshops that interest them. Both live sessions and recordings are available. Replays can be watched on demand, any time and access is forever.

This event will be valuable to both decision makers and risk professionals alike.

Buy corporate access today or put it into your risk management training budget for 2020: This is equivalent to having 40+ world class trainers visiting your company and delivering amazing training.