Making sense of the Georgia ‘cyber crime’


With help from Eric Geller, Martin Matishak, Christian Vasquez and Cristiano Lima

Editor’s Note: This edition of Free Morning Cybersecurity is published weekdays at 10 a.m. POLITICO Pro Cybersecurity subscribers hold exclusive early access to the newsletter each morning at 6 a.m. To learn more about POLITICO Pro’s comprehensive policy intelligence coverage, policy tools and services, click here.

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SUSSING OUT THE GEORGIA KERFUFFLE — The Georgia cybersecurity incident has rocketed to the top of the headlines in the final days before the election. Republican Secretary of State Brian Kemp, in a tight gubernatorial race, opened an investigation over the weekend after alleging the Democratic Party of Georgia tried to hack into the state voter registration system — charges that the party and others say are ginned up as a distraction. Kemp’s Democratic opponent Stacey Abrams called it “a witch hunt.”

Now, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation has followed suit on its own probe. “The GBI has been requested by the Secretary of State to investigate allegations of…

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