Making uncertainty live. What an intriguing name for the workshop :)) #riskawarenessweek2019 RISK-ACADEMY Blog


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Sam Savage, Executive Director of, author of the Flaw of Averages – Why we Underestimate Risk in the Face of Uncertainty, Adjunct Professor in Stanford University’s School of Engineering and a Fellow of the Judge Business School at Cambridge University, will share live interactive models for decision making in oil and gas, pharma, construction and others demonstrating how risk managers can make uncertainty live. This powerful workshop that will demonstrate how free SIPmath enables simulation models on various platforms to be communicated to senior decision makers helping them to both understand and appreciate effect of uncertainty and the trade-off between risk and return.

RISK AWARENESS WEEK 2019 broadcasted online at from 14 to 18 October 2019

Sam will also talk about the new field of risk aggregation that allows risks to be rolled up like numbers across applications into consolidated risk statements. This can be done in multiple dimensions to display the trade-offs between risks in the area of safety, financial loss, service interruption, etc.

You don’t want to miss this workshop! Not only that, it is a must watch for everyone in your company’s finance, strategy and performance management teams.