Managing Security Threats Requires Collaboration From Government, Industry


Assistant Director for Cybersecurity Jeanette Manfra talks through the newest agency’s focus areas and mission.

Assistant Director for Cybersecurity at DHS’ Cybersecurity and Security Infrastructure Agency Jeanette Manfra talks through the agency’s goals at State of Cyber CXO Tech Forum. Photo Credit: Geoff Livingston

Tackling some of our nation’s most difficult and complex security threats requires a well-rounded and collaborative approach, according to one Department of Homeland Security leading official at this week’s State of Cyber CXO Tech Forum.

The agency’s newest unit, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, was recently stood up by Congress in November 2018 to improve cybersecurity across government. And according to Assistant Director for Cybersecurity Jeanette Manfra, CISA sees collaboration with government and industry and managing enterprise risk to be key toward a resilient and secure future.

“It has to be a conversation between the security people, the engineers and the mission people,” said Manfra during a fireside chat at the event. “It can’t be security people trying to make decisions on one side, engineers developing the system on…

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