Mapping Israeli high-tech’s leading R&D engineers


Ahead of Calcalist’s developers’ conference, the Mamaram and Ofek alumni associations compiled a list of prominent development leaders in Israeli high-tech. The associations aim to encourage the development of technological careers based on knowledge, experience and connections created in the technological units, which continue to be used by the graduates of the units in their career paths as well.

The conference will be broadcast on the Calcalist website on February 27 at 12:00.

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Itiel Shwartz.

(Photo: Yoram Reshef)

Itiel Shwartz, co-founder and CTO, Komodor

Itiel served during his military service on a rocket ship in the Navy. After graduating with a degree in computer science from Tel Aviv University, he began working as a backend developer at eBay. At the end of a successful stint, he moved to Forter, where he was responsible for the design, construction and operation of a fail-safe fraud prevention system. In the next stage of his career, he was the first developer in the startup Rookout and then became an entrepreneur, joining Ben Ofiri to establish a startup focused on detecting and correcting faults in Kubernetes.

Itiel leads the R&D at Komodor in terms of…

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