Market outlook by Leon MFO Investments Ltd


In 2021, we witnessed the post-pandemic recovery for some economies, especially the U.S. economy. In 2022, this recovery is expected to continue and become more global as Europe and other major economies are forecasting higher GDP growth rates. Global trade resumed in 2021 and is expected to remain strong this year.

Bond and credit markets typically reflect macroeconomic conditions. With improving consumer confidence and healthy corporate performance, credit investors will have a wider range of opportunities going forward. In addition, the relatively high valuations of equities may induce investors to look further into bonds/credit and consider various strategies.

LEON MFO Investments Limited is launching two funds in the first quarter of 2022 that will allow investors to access the corporate bond and credit markets.

The firm is using its strong investment expertise in wealth management for MFO clients (with more than $1 billion under management) and is offering its best performing investment strategies through these funds to the local Cypriot institutional and HNWI clients. For investors who prefer to invest in EUR, the funds offer EUR currency hedge.

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