MARS Suite™ Offering Small Businesses Free Assistance to Stay Secure Online Through COVID-19 |


Giving the MARS Suite™ – Sensor Component to Small Businesses for FREE for the next 3 months

COVID-19 has affected businesses large and small, all across the world. While the bigger organizations have the resources to absorb the negative economic consequences; overnight, small businesses are fighting to survive, while also making payroll and maintaining a positive cash flow.

Mission Innovate, a strategic joint venture between Mission Multiplier and All Points, wants to help by doing our part in fighting this pandemic

COVID-19 has affected businesses large and small, all across the world. While the bigger organizations have the resources to absorb the negative economic consequences; overnight, small businesses are fighting to survive, while also making payroll and maintaining a positive cash flow.

Consequently, they cannot afford any unexpected expenses or issues, especially a cyber breach or ransomware incident.

While small businesses develop…

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