Marsh and Microsoft survey identifies latest cyber risk trends


Marsh and Microsoft survey identifies latest cyber risk trends

After three years of unrelenting workplace disruption, digital transformation, and ransomware attacks, business leaders are no more confident in their ability to manage cyber risk than they were two years ago, to according to a study by global insurance broker Marsh and tech giant Microsoft.

With global organizations expecting to face more cyberattacks in 2022, the study by Marsh and Microsoft, called “2022 Marsh and Microsoft Cyber Risk Survey,” aims to help leaders from all departments align and prioritize their cyber strategies for 2022 and beyond.

The study found that 41% of organizations engage legal, corporate planning, finance, operations, or supply chain management in making cyber risk plans. After analyzing the survey respondents’ answers, Marsh and Microsoft identified eight key cyber risk trends:

  1. Cyber-specific enterprise-wide…

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