Michael Chertoff On What CEOs Don’t Understand About Cybersecurity


chertoffFormer Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff will be speaking at the 2018 Cyber Risk Forum on April 16, 2018 in San Francisco. Hosted alongside RSA® Conference, Corporate Board Member and Chief Executive are presenting the 3rd annual Cyber Risk Forum to provide CEOs and board members with the opportunity to explore emerging trends, prevalent threats and strategic opportunities surrounding cybersecurity. Click here to register.

In part 2 of our 2-part interview, Chief Executive caught up with Chertoff to talk about what CEOs and boards are missing about cybersecurity. Click here for part 1.

Q: In your experience, what do boards and CEOs not get about cybersecurity? What’s the big gap in understanding?

A: The costly and dynamic nature of cybersecurity threats makes them a top risk for many businesses; board directors and management, however, often struggle with understanding and responding to the scope of this rapidly changing risk. For most boards, cybersecurity is far from a core competency. Many C-suite executives and board directors, are not well-versed in security measures and would be unable to effectively guard against and…

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