Mifid II, volatility and the top 10 op risks


Top 10 op risks: IT disruption heads 2018 poll

Cyber risk dominates three of top four categories; model risk and mis-selling re-enter top 10

Old dispersion product signals new vol regime

Return of pre-crisis, ‘theta-flat’ trades an early sign of shifting volatility expectations

In the dark: pools warn late Mifid rules still won’t add up

Venues say better trade-flagging, consolidated tape needed for equity double-volume caps


COMMENTARY: The new nature of the catastrophe

Eagle-eyed readers may have noticed 2018’s top 10 operational risks does not include cyber risk’. It’s not that the threat to the financial services industry from malicious cyber actors is any less severe; rather, this year we decided to recognise that the category has become too large and diverse to make sense as a single risk taxonomy. Instead, in this year’s annual barometer, we’ve broken cyber up, and considered its impact across three primary categories: IT disruption’, ‘data compromise’ and ‘theft and fraud – the last covering traditional financial crime as well as losses inflicted by cyber means.

The absence of a…

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