Mimecast Announces Acquisition of Elevate Security


In a pivotal move that elevates cybersecurity to a new level, Mimecast, a leading email and collaboration security company, has acquired Elevate Security, a pioneer in human risk management solutions. 

This strategic acquisition promises a paradigm shift in security that goes beyond technology to focus on the most vulnerable, yet potentially strongest, line of defense: human behavior.

Traditionally, cybersecurity solutions prioritize technological barriers and sophisticated algorithms. Yet, the human element often remains the weakest link. 

Phishing attacks, social engineering, and insider threats exploit human vulnerabilities, turning people into unwitting accomplices in cybercrime. 

Mimecast recognizes this critical gap, and its acquisition of Elevate Security signals a proactive approach to tackling it.

Demystifying Human Behavior:

Elevate Security’s proprietary platform delves into the complexities of human behavior within the digital workspace. 

It leverages various data sources, including user activity, email patterns, and even emotional indicators, to create a comprehensive picture of individual risk profiles. 

This data fuels a sophisticated algorithm that…

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