Minister’s man inside PA given €150,000 consultancy by Enemalta


Architect Godwin Agius, a close aide to Planning Minister Clint Camilleri and recently appointed to the executive board of the permits regulator when the Gozo Minister was given the planning portfolio, has now also been awarded a €150,000 direct order by Enemalta.

While no details have been given on Agius’s latest consultancy, sources at the state energy company told The Shift that this was related to a project in Birzebbuga to rehabilitate the area called il-Pont tas-Shell.

The project, intended to turn a former pier used to carry fuel towards Enemalta storage tanks into a swimming and recreational area, is spearheaded by Energy Minister Miriam Dalli. The project is in her electoral district.

Agius has been commissioned for the job despite his conflict of interest as a member of the Planning Authority’s top decision-making board and his consultancy to another government company that requires a planning permit.
