Mitigating Personal Cyber Risk | CSO Online


The biggest security challenge facing individuals and businesses today isn’t scale. It’s hyperconnectivity. The various devices and applications being used in homes or at organizations have now become so intertwined that it’s hard to keep them separate. The cloud allows users to access data and information from any device with a Wi-Fi connection or data plan, and IT consumerization encourages those same users to download new applications and storage solutions to use and share across a wide variety of devices.

And while user-based devices, such as smartphones, tablets, or laptops, drive many of these interconnections, many of them are not user-based at all. IoT devices, for example, regularly initiate connections with no human intervention whatsoever. And as we all know by now, IoT devices often introduce a whole new set of vulnerabilities and risks into our networks.

But this is also about more than just those devices that reach out and share data or services. Entire networks are being connected, sometimes inadvertently as a result of hyperconnectivity, but increasingly, this is happening intentionally as a result of hyperconvergence that is enabling things like smart cars…

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