Most companies expect to suffer breaches this year | Information Age


Some 70 percent of organisations expect to be breached this year. Photo: Shutterstock

Over three-quarters of Australian organisations suffered data breaches over the past year and four in five were hit by ransomware attacks – but as new figures suggest 70 per cent of organisations also expect to be hit this year, have executives become blasé about security?

New figures suggest they very well may be.

Not only were 80 per cent of organisations surveyed for the Sophos State of Ransomware 2022 report hit by ransomware during 2021 – up dizzyingly from 45 per cent the year before – but the global survey of 5,600 IT professionals showed Australian organisations are both more susceptible to ransomware than overseas firms, and less capable of recovering from an attack.

Fully 79 per cent of attacks on Australian targets ended up with data being encrypted – well above the global average of 65 per cent – suggesting that Australian companies are not only less well-protected against ransomware attack, but that they are more prone to make ransomware payments to recover their data.

With 65 of the 250 surveyed Australian companies reporting that they had paid a…

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