Most Global Organizations Fail to Learn from Cyber Mistakes: WTW Survey


A majority of executives around the world feel their organizations can do better when it comes to learning from their past cyber mistakes, according to the results of a global survey conducted by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) and Willis Towers Watson.

In the past year, one-third of the companies surveyed experienced a serious cyber incident — one that disrupted operations, impaired financials and damaged reputations — and most placed high odds on another one in the next 12 months, said the survey report titled “How boards can lead the cyber-resilient organization.”

While most organizations regard themselves as doing a good job on incident response, only 13 percent said their organizations were above average in incorporating learnings from cyber incidents into resilience strategies, the report added.

The survey found little consensus among boards and executives on cyber resiliency planning, including the deployment of strategies across the organization, where to allocate funds, and what areas of the organization are most at risk.

The split in cyber preparedness was also apparent across geographies, as North American companies contrast strongly with their…

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