NAB Sees Station Cyber Risk Plans As Problematic, Suggests FCC Templates Instead. | Story


Broadcasters are all for a reliable and secure Emergency Alert System, but the National Association of Broadcasters says a proposal that would require stations to draft cybersecurity risk management plans is a step too far. In a meeting with officials at the Federal Communications Commission this week, the NAB said many small and mid-sized broadcasters may have difficulty developing such a plan since few have any in-house cybersecurity expertise. To develop such a plan, it says stations would need substantial help — and that would probably require outside consultants that would likely be expensive. It would also require engineering, corporate, and legal review.

In a disclosure meeting about the filings, NAB Associate General Counsel Larry Walke says the trade group is instead pushing the FCC to move in a different direction.

“We recommended that the Commission develop a template plan that broadcasters could employ,” he writes. “A straightforward sample plan that already contemplates broadcast facilities would help radio and television…

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