Naval Dome Welcomes Siemens’ Charter Of Trust Initiative


Naval Dome, the maritime cyber security system provider, has welcomed the Charter of Trust initiative implemented by German technology group Siemens and which has since welcomed a “who’s who” of global technology companies and brands.

The Charter looks to address the cyber security challenges that arise from increasingly digitalised, “cloud”-based infrastructure, businesses and industrial environments. The initiative aims to establish a reliable basis “where confidence in a networked, digital world can take root and grow”.

“The maritime industry cannot afford to be complacent,” warned Sela

Encouraging shipping industry leaders to support the development or to establish a maritime-specific cyber charter of their own, Itai Sela, the CEO of Naval Dome, said: “Over the last few years, our ships have become more automated, more computerised and more connected. Amazing advances have been made, but all of this means that vessels are more susceptible to cyber-crime.

“The developments taking place in ship automation, Intelligent Awareness, data capture and 3D printing will create significant challenges for the shipping industry…

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