NAVEX Global: Top 10 compliance trends for 2020 | Article


On Wednesday, NAVEX Global held a Webinar discussing not only the top 10 risk and compliance trends for 2020 but also how compliance departments must manage in these turbulent times. The Webinar complemented the release of a new e-Book, with contributions from various thought leaders in the ethics and compliance space. “There are a lot of external pressures that we’re dealing with, and they also comprise a number of our trends and predictions,” Carrie Penman, NAVEX Global’s chief risk and compliance officer, said during the Webinar.

Politics in the workplace

Politics and issues of social justice are creating growing tensions in the workplace. The 2019 Edelman Trust Barometer found, for example, that many employees today demand their senior leaders take a stance on social and policy issues. Moreover, an increasing number of employees are rallying against their employers where they disagree with the stances they take. “That can create a very difficult culture for the employer or compliance officer,” said Kristy Grant-Hart, CEO of Spark Compliance Consulting, who also spoke on the Webinar.

In the thought leadership piece, Ed Petry, a senior advisor with NAVEX Global,…

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