Need to secure industrial IoT more acute than ever


The need to address the threat posed by malicious actors exploiting the internet of things (IoT) to attack critical industrial infrastructure is becoming an increasingly urgent one, according to the Foresight review of cyber security for the Industrial IoT report published by charitable organisation the Lloyd’s Register Foundation.

The report dives into the inherent risks surrounding the industrial IoT as it becomes a core part of network infrastructures across multiple critical sectors, such as energy, transport, the built environment, physical infrastructure and manufacturing, noting that the IoT exacerbates many of the security challenges that have existed for a long time.

“Over the past few years, we have seen a rise in deliberate attacks aimed at critical infrastructures across the globe. As adoption of IoT in the industrial sector continues to grow, clear action and guidance is needed,” said Robert Hannigan, report co-author and international executive chairman at BlueVoyant, a New York-based managed security services provider (MSSP).

“Our report frames the context of [the] industrial IoT, the imminent problems facing key infrastructure as they…

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