Network World – Networking Nuggets and Security Snippets – Cyber risk management continues to grow more difficult – CSO


Cyber risk management continues to grow more difficult

Cyber risk management is significantly more difficult today than it was two years ago.That’s according to new ESG research involving 340 enterprise cybersecurity, GRC, and IT professionals who were asked to compare cyber risk management today to two years ago. (Note: I am an employee of ESG.) The data indicates that 39 percent of survey respondents believe that cyber risk management is significantly more difficult today than it was two years ago, while another 34 percent say that cyber risk management is somewhat more difficult today than it was two years ago.[ Keep up with 8 hot cyber security trends (and 4 going cold). | Sign up for CSO newsletters. ]
4 reasons why cyber risk management is more difficult
Why do 73 percent of cybersecurity, GRC, and IT professionals believe cyber risk management is more problematic? Several issues stand out:To read this article in full, please click here

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