New DISA Contracts To Focus On Cell Phone Protection « Breaking Defense


DISA Director Vice Adm. Nancy Norton (center) cuts a ribbon last to celebrate a new DISA Global Operations Center West at Hill AFB in Utah.

The traditional cybersecurity structure of in-depth network protections is quickly crumbling into irrelevance as the network perimeter pushes out to wherever (the cloud) and whatever (laptops, tablets or mobile phones) users want to use top connect to the network. That makes the log-in screen on each individual device (or endpoint) the new perimeter against attackers, with both the military and commercial sectors working to secure that entry point. 

It’s a topic Acting DoD Chief Information Officer Dana Deasy has mentioned repeatedly in speeches and in testimony before House and Senate Armed Services Committees. 

“DOD requires robust end point solutions that are commercially-based, threat informed, and capable of: identifying what is on the network; ensuring the endpoints are secure and in compliance with enterprise standards; supporting real-time monitoring and near real-time response and remediation to threats; providing situational awareness to our network defenders; and, protecting the integrity and confidentiality of the data…

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