New ISAC for K-12 school districts fills a key cyber intelligence gap

Analysis Center
Roosevelt High School in Portland, Oregon. The Portland Public Schools district is among the first members of K12 SIX. (Visitor7, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

The automotive sector has its own Information Sharing & Analysis Center (ISAC). So do the aviation and maritime industries. They all represent forms of transportation, but no one would say they all face the exact same cyber threat scenarios.

So why have K-12 schools traditionally been lumped in with the public sector and higher education when it comes to ISAC activity? Local education districts have their own distinct challenges as they strive to protect themselves against digital threats. It only makes sense that they have an ISAC of their own.

Now they do.

In October 2020, the Global Resilience Foundation (GRF) – a nonprofit subsidiary of the National Council of ISACs – soft-launched its Kindergarten Through Twelfth Grade Security Information Exchange, or K12 SIX for short. It’s the first-ever ISAC specifically created with local school districts in mind.

The organization already sports roughly one dozen members, with more in…

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