News Roundup: Gen Z Workers Most Likely to Consult Code of Conduct


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LRN: The Gen Z paradox: Youngest workers more likely to consult code of conduct — and bend the rules

Generation Z employees are more likely to consult their employer’s code of conduct than are those in older generations, but paradoxically, they are also more likely to say it’s acceptable to bend the rules if it means getting the job done, according to data from LRN, an ethics and compliance advisory and training provider.

LRN’s 2024 report on codes of conduct shows that 63% of Gen Z workers said they are likely to use their employer’s code of conduct as a resource, while just 49% of Baby Boomers said the same. Disturbingly, though, while Gen Z workers are likely to consult corporate rule guides, they’re also the most likely of any generation to say it’s OK to break the rules if needed to get the job done (29% vs. 12% of Boomers), according to the company’s report earlier this year on ethical culture.

Other notable findings from LRN’s codes of conduct report:

  • Training and usage is clearly correlated: Employees in India and China, where code of conduct training was most prevalent among…



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