NGC confirms audit report is true


The National Gas Company of T&T (NGC) has confirmed that the report published on the findings of an internal audit into the T&T Cricket Board (TTCB) is correct and that they have reserved their rights in the matter and is to decide if they will take further action.

In a letter sent to the attorney of former national cricketer Daren Ganga, NGC Priya Ramsahai, NGC stated: “With respect to your specific request in your letter dated June 29, 2018, as it pertains to the copy of the report enclosed therewith, we hereby confirm that the said report is a true copy of the internal audit report commissioned by NGC into its funding of the TTCB for the period 2014-2016.

“NGC does not wish to be involved in the current matter between your client and the TTCB but reserves its right to take such…
