No Mountain High Enough: Assessing Geohazard Risks Using Satellite Technology in South Asia – Bhutan




In the breathtaking terrains of South Asia, where soaring mountains and high-altitude communities coexist, the menace of landslides and their catastrophic aftermaths looms large. Imagine a technology that can identify areas at high risk of landslides and unravel the mysteries of glacial lake outburst floods, a sudden release of large amount of water due to a collapse of natural lake fed by glacier melt that can cause catastrophic flood downstream depending on the volume of water and mud released. The risk of such floods in South Asia is growing in Himalaya and Hindu Kush Region with accelerated melt of glaciers in the face of climate change.

Introducing InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar), a cutting-edge satellite innovation poised to revolutionize geohazard risk management in South Asia’s mountains.

InSAR, utilized in practice in many other parts of the world, paints a dynamic picture of land deformation over time by detecting minuscule ground displacements on a millimeter scale. With its regular and spacious monitoring capacities, it offers new cost-effective solutions for assessing the risks posed by…
