No required emergency or anesthesia training at a Miami surgery center, state says


Two more Florida Department of Health complaints involving West Miami-Dade’s Xiluet Plastic Surgery have been filed, one of which contains allegations of hiding patient records, lacking a risk management program, and “no compliance” with “required anesthesia and emergency training.”

Those are in the complaint filed against Dr. Gamaliel Mattos, who works as Xiluet’s designated physician. That means he’s the doctor responsible for health and safety law compliance at Xiluet, 8396 SW Eighth St. It’s common for problems at a facility to fall onto a designated physician.

Before these most recent complaints, Xiluet also faced two pending administrative complaints. One complaint alleged 12 violations found in an inspection and two that remained even after an inspection. The other claimed Xiluet employees wouldn’t let Department of Health inspectors into the facility on July 27, 2021.

READ MORE: State says a Miami plastic surgery center blocked state inspectors

Moving and removing fat

Administrative complaints are supposed to start the ball rolling toward a discipline disposition, which can be from the licensee being cleared of wrongdoing to the license being revoked.

The Oct. 20…
