Not enough CISOs and business leaders cooperate on a cybersecurity plan and budget


With the proliferation of more and more sensitive data, expanding connectivity, and the adoption of automated processes, new research from Accenture reveals that C-suite and IT decision makers need to embrace a different approach to cybersecurity to effectively protect against future cyber risks.

cybersecurity plan

While most companies have a CISO or assigned cybersecurity to a C-suite executive, such as a CIO, often, these leaders have limited influence on cybersecurity strategy outside their departments. Additionally, nearly half of CISOs acknowledge that their responsibilities for securing the organization are growing faster than their ability to address security issues.

In the study “Securing the Future Enterprise Today – 2018,” 73 percent of the more than 1,400 C-level executives polled agreed that cybersecurity staff and activities need to be dispersed throughout all parts of the organization, but cybersecurity remains centralized in 74 percent of companies.

Moreover, there is little indication that C-suite executives expect to shift more responsibility for cybersecurity to business units. For example, 25 percent of non-CISO executives say business unit leaders are accountable…

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