NRM failing to implement 2021-2026 manifesto


NRM has largedly failed on service delivery

Two years to the end of their political term, the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) has only managed to implement 35 per cent of its 2021-2026 manifesto commitments to Ugandans according to an internal performance audit.

The 2021-2026 manifesto which is subdivided into five thematic areas, has up to 577 implementation interventions the party ought to implement, for it to deliver its promise to the Ugandans that gave it the five-year mandate according to the Electoral Commission.

The thematic area subdivisions include; creating jobs and wealth for all Ugandans, delivering education, health, and water. It also sought to ensure justice and equity, protection of life and property, and achieving economic and political integration.

Now the review points out that achieving economic and political integration, followed by ensuring justice and equity were the worst-performing areas with 20 and 22 per cent respectively. On the other hand, protection of life and property scored highly at 37 per cent.

Kabuye Ky’ofatogabye, state minister for Kampala and Metropolitan Affairs, said the…
