NYC Construction Fatalities Decline, but Injuries Rise in 2023


Amidst a steady construction activity level, NYC sees a 36% drop in fatalities in 2023 but a troubling 25% rise in injuries, according to the New York City Department of Buildings’ annual report.

While the level of construction activity in New York City remained relatively steady in 2023 compared to the previous year, there was an encouraging decline in construction-related fatalities, according to an annual report by the New York City Department of Buildings.

Building construction fatalities in New York City declined by 36% in 2023, with seven workers losing their lives, which is a nine-year low.

“This is a remarkable year-over-year drop and marks the lowest number of fatalities in our industry in nine years. That trend is encouraging to say the least, as we continue to use every tool at our disposal to push that number closer and closer to zero. Reductions in fatal incidents in this industry is welcome news, but even one death in our industry is unacceptable,” said Jame Oddo, commissioner of the NYC Department of Buildings.

However, this positive development was…

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