NYK Group Accredited by ClassNK for Cybersecurity Management


Image Source: NYK ClassNK Cybersecurity

NYK Group subsidiary NYK LNG Shipmanagement Ltd and LNG carrier Pacific Mimosa, managed by LNGSM, were accredited by Class NK for the ship-management company’s Cybersecurity Management System. This is the first cybersecurity certification conducted by Class NK. The NYK Group’s medium-term management plan, “Staying Ahead 2022 with Digitalization and Green,” emphasizes digitalization and green initiatives to further enhance safety and efficiency. While promoting digitalization and ship IoT, NYK has been strengthening cybersecurity measures throughout the company, positioning cybersecurity as one of the group’s most urgent tasks.

The 98th session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC98) approved guidelines on maritime cyber-risk management in June 2017. The committee recommended that a description of cyber-risk management be included in the safety management systems (SMS manual) of shipowners and ship-management…

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