Offer Cyber Security as a service CSaaS


David Menza, Head of IT Security at HF Bank speaks at the forum.
(photo by Arthur Kuwashima)

CyberSeek, an initiative funded by the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE), reported that as of January 2019, the United States faced a shortfall of almost 314,000 cybersecurity professionals. To put this in context, the country’s total employed cybersecurity workforce is 716,000. In Kenya, such professionals are short of 2000!

The shortage of cybersecurity experts, once termed as a global phenomena by Ron Green- Executive Vice President of MasterCard and the Chief Security Officer Globally, only proves only one fact: organisations are not keen in training cybersecurity professionals. They are even lesser focused on employing them prolly due to the shortage.

“Kenya has about 1600 trained cybersecurity experts against a potential 51.1 M users of the net,” reads a report by the Communications Authority of Kenya on cyber security gap.

During a recent cybersecurity forum at the Serena Hotel, Nairobi, hosted by TechMax and Tenable to discuss cyber security vulnerability, prediction and management, vendors of cyber security…

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