OIG’s first-ever General Compliance Program Guidance covering all health care parties released


In November 2023, OIG released its first ever General Compliance Program Guidance (GCPG). The GCPG is a comprehensive document that applies to all individuals and entities involved in the health care sector.

Historically, OIG has maintained similar industry-specific compliance program guidance documents (ICPGs) applicable to individual industry subsectors, such as hospitals and pharmaceutical manufacturers. However, not every subsector was previously covered by an ICPG. The GCPG changes that framework by addressing key legal authorities, compliance program infrastructure, and compliance considerations for all entities involved in the health care industry.

OIG will also be publishing new ICPGs starting in 2024 for different types of providers, suppliers, and other participants in health care industry subsectors or ancillary industry sectors relating to Federal health care programs. ICPGs will be tailored to fraud and abuse risk areas for each industry subsector and will address compliance measures that the industry subsector participants can take to reduce those risks.


The GCPG’s content is a high-level amalgamation of OIG’s existing guidance that may be particularly useful…
