OODA Loop – Top 10 Sensemaking and Executive Guide Pages of 2022


It has been another interesting and dynamic year on the security and intelligence front and OODA Loop was there to cover it all.  The following list is comprised of the Top 10 Sensemaking and Member Resources Pages of 2022 as determined by the number of page views for each page.  We also included posts that are evergreen and still popular, achieving a “Top 10” number of views, but were not published this year, as well as a couple that did not make the top ten but were very topical sensemaking tools, tactical guides (i.e. the war in Ukraine and cybersecurity risk awareness) and reports which remain prescient and applicable.

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OODA Loop provides actionable intelligence, analysis, and insight on global security, technology, and business issues. Our members are global leaders, technologists, and intelligence and security professionals looking to inform their decision making process to understand and navigate global risks and opportunities.

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