OPINION: Listen to the police


It’s not often that police address an asset management conference, but Sergeant Charlie Morrison of the City of London police did so this month at the Investment Association’s (IA) first cyber security conference for asset management.

Just as the industry has been slow to adopt new technologies, it has also been slow to recognise the threat that cyber criminals present. While banking customers have been bombarded with security information, the same has typically not been true for asset management customers.

Now the worm has turned. It looks like 2018 will be the year when the industry fully wakes up to the cyber-security threat.

At the conference, Sergeant Morrison introduced Cyber Griffin, a new police initiative to make the City of London more secure from cyber attacks. This involves actions that the asset industry is perhaps not terribly used to, such as community briefings, intelligence-sharing and incident response training.

“Cyber-security issues are not going to go away, and businesses need to understand, manage and mitigate potential cyber security risks,” IA chief executive Chris Cummings told the conference. His remarks are part of a drive in the asset…

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