Oracle: FCPA Recidivist | Corporate Compliance Insights


Unpacking Oracle FCPA Enforcement Action

What’s in this whitepaper from Tom Fox:

For the second time, Oracle Corp., the Austin-based technology giant, has run afoul of provisions of the FCPA, according to the SEC. The agency has ordered the company to pay more than $23 million to resolve the charges, an action that comes almost a decade exactly after the company resolved similar charges.

In this whitepaper, podcaster, author and compliance expert Tom Fox breaks down the new charges levied by the SEC and recaps the prior case against Oracle, which becomes one of just 15 recidivist FCPA violators among the nearly 250 FCPA enforcement actions to date.

And there may be more hits to come for Oracle, as we have yet to learn what actions, if any, the DOJ intends to take against the company. Stay tuned.
