Orolia and Saab Collaborate on Navigational Cyber Security




2019-06-03 18:06:50

Orolia and Saab are collaborating on a suite of technologies that detect and mitigate cyber-attacks on navigation systems onshore or on vessels. Together, they will showcase Saab’s AIS and GNSS navigation systems, alongside Orolia’s SecureSync Maritime Navigation Protection System (M-SecureSync), at this year’s Nor-Shipping in Oslo.

As the 2021 deadline for the International Maritime Organisation’s ‘Maritime Cyber Risk Management in Safety Management Systems’ mandate draws nearer, it is important that the entire vessel management ecosystem, from port coordination to critical bridge systems, includes protection of navigation. This is done by verifying the source and validity of position and timing data, as well as mitigating false data.

Orolia’s M-SecureSync employs various technologies to detect and resist GNSS jamming and spoofing attacks and alert the bridge…

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