OT-ISAC, Forescout partner to share threat intelligence


Operational Technology Information Sharing and Analysis Center (OT-ISAC) has partnered with cybersecurity vendor Forescout Technologies to exchange information, threat intelligence, research, and reports to advance security maturity. The vendors announced on Monday.

​“OT-ISAC and Forescout have partnered to strengthen our mutual threat awareness, in order to better empower the security of our respective members and customers,” John Lee, managing director of OT-ISAC, identified in a media statement. “If we can warn each other of impending attacks, we can ensure the integrity and resilience of our systems, while stifling the operations of threat actors that seek to criminally enrich themselves or damage infrastructure.”  

​He added, “I welcome Forescout and expect we will both quickly extend our security visibility and enrichment of cybersecurity intelligence via this partnership.”  

Headquartered in Asia Pacific, ​OT-ISAC is a threat information-sharing hub for companies working in Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) and across operational technology (OT) environments. The organization uses proven tools and technologies to aid member companies and…

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