Over-Sharer or Troublemaker? How to Identify …

It’s past time to begin charting insider risk indicators that identify risky behavior and stop it in its tracks.

You’ve heard that Twitter was hacked. And the CIA. And that a malicious Desjardins employee caused the largest ever data breach in the Canadian financial services sector. And how about the automobile insurance company that inadvertently gave up the driver license information for 27 million policyholders in Texas?

The thing these high-profile breaches have in common is that they were all undertaken by insiders. Whether committed on purpose for financial gain or as a a result of human error, insider risk took a hit on these powerful organizations’ revenue and reputations.

Despite the growing risk, data security events caused by insiders are not being taken seriously. New research in the Code42 Data Exposure Report notes that more than half (54%) of IT security leaders spend less than 20% of their budget on insider risk, and 66% of IT security leaders say their budget for insider risk is insufficient. This is a major problem for organizations around the world as users, applications, and data continue to move outside the hardened data center and corporate…

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