Overcoming Fear and Uncertainty RISK-ACADEMY Blog


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Риск-ориентированное управление. Самостоятельно

Курс направлен на развитие навыков риск-ориентированного мышления, которое позволяет выявлять, приоритезировать и моделировать влияние рисков на ключевые цели или решения организации.

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Риск-ориентированное управление. С преподавателем.

Крупнейшая в России программа онлайн-подготовки к двум сертификациям: национальной и международной G31000

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Количественная оценка рисков

Единственный в России и СНГ онлайн-курс по количественной оценке рисков и принятию решений.

33000 руб

In an increasingly unpredictable world, the ability to embrace risk, rather than shy away from it, can set the stage for breakthrough success. If you’re ready to shift your perception of risk and use it as a tool for achieving extraordinary outcomes, this workshop led by Norman Marks is perfect for you.

Norman Marks, a globally recognized expert in risk management, will guide us in developing a risk-taking mindset, emphasizing that fear and uncertainty aren’t roadblocks, but rather catalysts for innovation and growth. This transformative session will challenge conventional views of risk, encouraging you to see it not as a threat, but as an enabler of success.

In this workshop, we will delve into how to shift our focus from worrying about risks to enabling success. We will explore strategies for leveraging uncertainty and volatility to our advantage. You’ll learn how to confront your fears, analyze and measure risk effectively, and make informed decisions that could lead to unexpected opportunities.

This is a highly interactive session designed to stimulate thought and provoke dialogue. Get ready to challenge your preconceptions, embrace uncertainty, and develop a more confident, risk-taking mindset. By the end of this session, you’ll be empowered to take more calculated risks in pursuit of your goals and objectives.

Join us for this exciting journey and transform the way you view and handle risks in your professional and personal life. It’s time to stop worrying and start succeeding!


About the speaker

Norman Marks, CPA, CRMA is a retired senior executive. He works with individuals and organizations around the world, advising them on risk management, internal audit, corporate governance, enterprise performance, and the value of information.

Norman was the chief audit executive of major global corporations for twenty years and is a globally-recognized thought leader in the professions of internal auditing and risk management. In addition, he served as chief risk officer, compliance officer, and ethics officer, and led what would now be called the IT governance function (information security, contingency planning, methodologies, standards, etc.) He managed the Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 (SOX) programs and investigation units at several companies.

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Advanced Risk Governance

This course gives guidance, motivation, critical information, and practical case studies to move beyond traditional risk governance, helping ensure risk management is not a stand-alone process but a change driver for business.
