Pandemic highlights need for cyber risk management in SMEs


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If small and medium businesses had little appetite for cyber risk management before the Coronavirus pandemic, they may have developed one now. Mobilising remote workforces, provisioning the right set of tools, managing the flow of data, keeping it secure and controlling who has access to what has likely to have caused disruptions and headaches at best. At worst, lack of cyber risk management has caused companies to grind to a complete halt.

Douw Gerber, Business Development Manager at leading South Africa-based managed IT security services company, Securicom, says that lack of cyber risk management is a factor in the higher incidence of cyber related fraud amongst small businesses during the lockdown. Citing Verizon’s Business 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report, he says that about a third (28%) of data breaches this year has involved small businesses.

“There are no controls in place to manage access to and the share of information. Backs ups don’t happen when they should. Cyber security tools aren’t updated as they should be. Employees are using unsecured devices…

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