Passionate Cyber Organizations | Global Cyber Alliance


Passionate Cyber Organizations

Getting to know organizations who are working to reduce in the cyber environment is very important to emerging cyber leaders. The factor that is consistent among all of them is that they were launched by people with a passion for helping others and who know the evolving threat. Here are a few organizations that you should know.  

Global Cyber Alliance 

The Global Cyber Alliance (GCA) is an international, cross-sector effort dedicated to eradicating cyber risk and improving our connected world. GCA explains how they achieve their mission:

  • Uniting Global Communities: We must stand as a global community, across sectors and geography, if we are to effectively address cyber risks.
  • Implementing Concrete Solutions: We build concrete solutions that reduce and eradicate cyber risk, and we make those solutions freely available for any organization or individual to use.
  • Measuring the Effect: We believe in measuring effectiveness. We must measure to know we are doing the right things, and metrics drive action. We need to know what works and what does not. 

International Association…

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