Planning for Compliance in Home Care


LPA has over 15 years of experience with auditing quality systems and has a 100% success rate with providers who have used our services to prepare for compliance checks. We will ensure that you are not overwhelmed with too much information and not enough guidance and action items.

You will come away with practical strategies, knowledge, and skills to enable your service to demonstrate compliance confidently. You will hear about the most common themes and topics raised during the Quality Review so that you can be fully prepared. You will also know what to expect during the Quality Review and what you can do to positively support the process.

The session will include a review of LPA tools to support the conduct of internal audits and preparation for Quality Review and compliance checks.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this webinar course, you will be able to:

  • Check your current systems and processes for compliance.
  • Undertake a ‘pulse check’ for compliance….


