Police chiefs plan national cyber centre

Mark SayManaging Editor
Wednesday 2 May 2018

Procurement points towards setting of body to support individual forces in cyber security efforts

The National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) is laying plans for a National Management Centre (NMC) for cyber security and network management services to UK forces.

The East Midlands Strategic Commercial Unit (EMSCU) has begun to look for private sector support in setting up the centre as part of the NPCC’s National Enabling Programmes, with the lure of a contract estimated at £20 million for the service.

It says in a tender notice that the aim is for the NMC to provide a comprehensive range of cyber and network management services to save UK police forces running them individually.

The plan involves the setting up a national centre of excellence to manage internal and external threats – akin to the Security Operations Centre for NHS organisations – and to enhance compliance with legislation.

The EMSCU’s notice says that individual forces will be able to acquire services from a centrally provisioned but locally delivered service based on their risk profile, technology…

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