Poor management adds to mines’ cybersecurity risk


A massive 88% of mining companies globally are recognising the threat of cybersecurity risk within mine sites, and are increasing their investment in operational technology (OT) systems security – however, disjointed management leads to poor management co-ordination.

According to IDC’s Operational Security Challenges and Approaches in the Mining Sector survey, technology addresses only one part of the OT related challenge, management of cybersecurity across enterprise and operational sites must involve coordinated management of business risk posed by the threat of attack across the operation.

Instrumentation and connectivity within mining companies is increasing not only within the enterprise but across operational sites through equipment automation, cloud, and mobility for example. This is creating the opportunity for improved efficiency, productivity and control, but also poses challenges to mining organisations. As equipment is connected, and systems integrated, companies are facing a far increased critical threat from a broadening attack surface.

Results from IDC’s survey confirm that 78% of instrumented operations equipment is connected via wired or wireless…

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