Post-digital world calls for collaborative security


Just as people no longer say we live in the “age of electricity,” the days of labelling things as “digital” are numbered. Very soon, advanced, data-driven digital technologies will be so ubiquitous that they’ll no longer be a differentiator.

According to the Accenture Technology Vision 2019 report, we’re entering a post-digital world which will require using powerful new technologies to innovate business models, personalize experiences for customers and customize products, services — and even people’s surroundings — on demand. And creating networks of external partners will be critical for success.

Cyberthreats in the age of ecosystems

The opportunities for businesses in this post-digital world are huge, but so too are the risks — particularly when it comes to cybersecurity. Already, the rise of ecosystem business models is amplifying the cyber-risk profile of the companies involved. In a world where businesses are connected and interdependent, an attack on one is an attack on all. A security breach can quickly escalate through the ecosystem to potentially affect an entire industry. Enterprises are no longer victims — they’re vectors.

Consider high-profile incidents…

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