Pound internal audit conflict concern raised | Coalfield Progress


POUND — As one treasurer departs and a new one begins the job, Town Council has taken a step toward conducting an internal audit and establishing that procedure as normal business practice going forward.

Council also is examining revisions to its purchasing and purchase order policy and decided at its Sept. 18 meeting to send both matters to its Administrative Committee.

Councilman Phil Cantrell told council he had drafted a revision to the purchasing and purchase order policy in light of recent correspondence, possible discrepancies and possible non-compliance with the existing one.

The move for an internal audit did not come without questions over whether council needed a double-check on potential conflicts of interest among those who would be doing it.

Vice Mayor Jay Graham, who had earlier asked that the internal audit topic be added to the night’s agenda, then asked that the council’s Administrative Committee be tasked to select at least two people to conduct an internal audit.

Councilman Clifton Cauthorne said the idea had been mentioned previously by the town attorney and asked if…
