Practices, Procedures And Mitigations – Information Security Buzz


In Part 1 published by Information Security Buzz 25th May 2022, the article considered aspects of historic threats posed by all forms of malevolence in the form logical, digital compromise, and looked back to the past encountered threats resulting from Malware and other more costly situations, such as the loss of Crypto Currency through some form of crafted attack; or maybe even by a Ransomware agent denying access to owned data. In Part 2, we will consider some other exemplified real-life attacks which led to compromise and the exposure of sensitive data-assets, and will seek to provision pragmatic, common-sense direction as to how mitigations may be applied to enhance the defensive cyber-posture.

2022 and beyond

Prior to getting into the devil of detail, let us remind ourselves what the future of Cyber Security may (will) hold for all users, be they Individuals, Corporates, Academic Institutions, Governments (both Central and Local) and of course Charitable Agencies – AKA, anyone who uses an IT asset to process data!

There are several lurking dangers which we need to appreciate and understand, the first of which is the threat posed by China who are a known…

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