Prioritizing governance, risk and compliance in cybersecurity programs


Cybersecurity programs are incomplete without GRC

Cybersecurity as a whole is made up of three component parts – people, processes and technology. Out of the three, technology is often focused on most, as it’s arguably the simplest element to enact. However, for a businesses to successfully reach their security goals, all three elements need to be considered with a programmatic, flexible and scalable approach.

To achieve this, an effective GRC program is crucial, as it ensures a holistic view has been taken, whilst tackling the daunting mission of cybersecurity. After all, automating a poorly thought out process with cutting edge technology doesn’t improve the process itself or the resultant outcome.

Take, for instance, a security operations employee who is faced with four events to monitor and mitigate. Without a GRC program, they would have no context on the business risk or compliance impact of the events, meaning they would need to rely solely on technology and stove-pipe processes. As a consequence, they are at risk of incorrectly prioritizing the least important issue in a way they wouldn’t have with a GRC program in place.

GRC has a symbiotic relationship


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