Proactively Protecting Sensitive Data – Infosecurity Magazine


Today’s cybersecurity efforts and implementations are not working. Cyber-attacks are intensifying and hackers are still getting through, in part due to many organizations’ focus on defending the perimeter and the misguided belief that those defenses will hold up.

With more than 3,800 publicly disclosed data breaches in the first half of this year alone, according to Risk Based Security, up from 54% compared to the same period last year, we are facing a cybersecurity crisis.

Perhaps it’s time for enterprises to consider a different approach – one where if hackers get in, they don’t walk away with anything of value. Consider a jewelry store where every item on the shelves consists of worthless glass gems – all the diamonds, rubies, and emeralds are kept offsite in a safe. In the event of a heist, the front window might be shattered and all the glass gems taken, but the cost hit in terms of precious jewels – data – is minimal.

One of the most effective ways to put the equivalent of costume jewelry in your database is with expanded use of encryption and tokenization, both of which can be implemented without disrupting current applications and processes. By using…

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