Protect the Public Internet Core and Improve Cyber Hygiene

Wolfgang Kleinwächter

The Paris Peace Forum (PPF), established by the French president Emanual Macron, was picked by the Global Commission for Stability in Cyberspace (GCSC) to launch its final report “Advancing Cyberstability” for good reasons: The Internet isn’t just a purely technical issue with some political implications anymore. On the eve of the 2020s, the management of cyberspace is a global problem, a matter of international security, a question of war or peace.

The GCSC was formally launched at the Munich Security Conference in February 2017. The Commission, a multistakeholder group of 28 individuals from around the world and co-chaired by former politicians — as Marina Kaljurand, Ex-Foreign Minister of Estonia, Latha Reddy, former deputy national security adviser to the Indian Primeminister and Michael Chertoff, Secretary of Homeland Security under US President George W. Bush — concluded its work after 30 months with a clear message to acting politicians and the whole Internet community: The world needs a global framework for cyber stability.

Instability in cyberspace is not only as dangerous as climate change, but it can also undermine international security and peace….

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